Goals for the 2013 Hibernating Season

Winter is well and truly here, hibernating season for me. While I try not to think of any part of my life as a period when I have to “pass the time,” winter is the season when I am most likely to feel that way. I admit to waiting for daffodils, soft air, and no-need-for-gloves. In the meantime, the end of the holidays, the snow, and frigid temperatures stimulate a fresh look at what I can accomplish indoors. If we’ve got to pass the time, we may as well pass it productively and in pleasant surroundings!

Tidy shelves — a pleasure for the eyes

These are not lofty goals for spiritual growth or self-improvement, mind you. They are practical with a capital Ordinary:

1. Dejunk, re-organize, and generally refresh the office. Yes, I know I did this last January, but it needs work again. I find that’s the nature of multi-use rooms, don’t you?

This is a picture from last January just before I cleaned the desk. It’s been cleaned off three or four times since then, but it looks even worse right now.

2. Make curtains for our bedroom. We will continue to pretend it has new carpet for awhile, but the only thing standing between me and attractive panels of cloth at the windows is some labor, even if it does involve a sewing machine, a contraption that often fights with me when I approach it.

3. Finish the Youngest Adolescent Male’s first-year photo scrapbook. He’s seventeen. And-a-half. I know. But as long as it’s in his hands before he leaves for college, it’s not truly too late, surely. I think I’m up to when we brought him home from the hospital, so, really, nearly done. (Denial.)

That boy!

There is the plan, if the Lord wills. Modest goals, to be sure. Reachable, hopefully. Maybe some other things will get done, too, but I will consider the winter a success if these three things happen.

(Oh, and I dream of finding a pair of jeans and a pair of black slacks that fit. Lower-body-clothing situation is approaching Crisis Status.)

I’m thinking I may have to venture beyond Sam’s Club to reach this goal.

What about you? Goals? Dreams? Hopes?


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