Monday Mission: Make One Thing Better

What are Mondays like at your house? Productive? Chaotic? Gone-all-day? We are usually home for at least part of the day on Monday and things are usually productive. Monday is pretty much always a laundry day for us, we’re launching our school week, and we often need to tidy up from the weekend.

For today’s decluttering, don’t try to get into a big job unless you really want to (I never stand in the way when somebody’s inspired to really roll with dejunking!), but can you manage to do one little extra thing to make the household operate a little better? What could you do?
–Wash the front door glass
–Dejunk one drawer
–Clean the TV screen
–Hang that hook in the bathroom
–Wash the recycling bin
–Dust the ceiling fan (spread a bed sheet below if it’s really bad, shake that outside, and throw it into the laundry)
–Gather pencils and sharpen them
–Gather pens/markers, test them, toss the duds
–Launder throws and pillow covers
–Make an extra batch of the dinner entree and freeze for another meal
–Purge some old files; set up needed files for 2012
–Pick an item you tend to hoard and be ruthless with yourself

That last one is mine. I have a secret: I’m a 3-ring binder and padded envelope junkie:

Would you believe it? TWELVE extra binders going to the thrift store. I allowed myself to keep three.
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. Hi, my name is Lori and I love padded envelopes and cunningly-designed cardboard mailers.
I allowed myself to keep three mailers, too. We all know the world would end if we didn’t have some mailers in the closet.

Any other horders out there, or is it just me? And, what will you do today to make one thing better?

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