Wise Words Wednesday: What Somebody Wishes You Knew

Do you ever look at a friend, watch her struggling in some area or another, and think, “I wish I could tell her _____________.”? You can see so clearly the mistake she is making or the self-defeating habit she indulges or the unwise path she is walking. You love her and you want her life to be as terrific as possible and you know she wants her life to be terrific as possible and you know if she could make this one change her level of terrific-ness would take a giant leap up, but you feel unable to say the words to her because:

you don’t know how she will take it
you do know how she will take it.

Or, you don’t want to hurt her. Or, you don’t have the courage to say it. Or, you don’t know if your advice would be welcomed. Or, you fear damaging your friendship.

Those are all legitimate reasons to remain silent. But the fact is, there is something you wish she knew.

Have you ever wondered if there is something somebody wishes you knew?

Who is the wisest, most honest person you know? Could you ask him or her to tell you one thing you could do differently to improve your life? How might listening carefully to the answer and considering it seriously make a difference to you? Do you have the courage to ask?

“Oil and perfume make the heart glad,
and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel.”
Proverbs 27:9
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