Forgotten Steak

I lifted a box of meat in my chest freezer to see what was in the box below and found some filet mignon I had totally forgotten about. Since I haven’t had any of that particular delight in at least a couple of years, you would think it would have been on my mind that I got some for a good price and stashed them in the freezer for some future child-free meal with my husband, but you would have thought wrong, apparently.

Filet mignon — it was what was for dinner, along with Sam’s Club stuffed, baked potatoes which we thought were “ok” and a green salad with spicy/sweet pecans and diced mango.

Tonight’s dinner will be take-out from a local fire department fundraiser. The food for this is always mediocre, but the tickets are a pass-along from a relative, so we eat what they dish out — ham, fried chicken, baked beans, macaroni salad, and a roll. Oh, and an applesauce cup.

Makes me me want to get up and go cook something good.

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